KKETS Adult Education Program (KAEP)

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Our Purpose

The purpose of the KKETS Adult Education Program (KAEP) is to develop a highly skilled workforce in Ontario’s North which meets current and projected labour market demands.  Annually, KAEP provides 100 Matawa First Nation and other remote Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN) members/adult learners the opportunity to acquire an Ontario Secondary School Diploma, life skills and employment readiness.

KAEP provides a holistic approach to meeting Indigenous learners’ needs, which incorporates academic learning, Elder supports, social/emotional and transitional supports, cultural, life and employability skills tailored to the individual learner.  KAEP is delivered through classroom-based and online instruction.

Program Objectives

To develop a highly skilled
workforce in the North
To create inclusive and varied programming for participants which will allow them to achieve their Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD).

To prepare participants for entry into the labour market, postsecondary education and/or training opportunities through the development of career plans and resumes, student job and/or co-op placements, and participation in life skills workshops.

To provide additional opportunities for learners to participate in the labour market through Basic Industrial Certifications such as First Aid/CPR, Smart Serve, Service Excellence, Safe Food Handling, and Basic Construction Skills.
To ensure participants have essential employability skills for the labour force through participation in workshops, Smart Work Ethics, speaker events, mentorship, and student activities.
To provide and deliver culturally appropriate activities and curriculum that will contribute to academic success.

Program Objectives

Enroll at least 100 participants per year.
Achieve a 70-percentile graduation rate (OSSD).

Participants will become active labour market participants that will contribute to Canada’s economy.

Personal growth of participants – indicated by supports and living arrangements.
Participants will further their education via post-secondary programming, including college, university, and/or apprenticeship.
Connection to culture, tradition and pride; defining self and positive attitude; self confidence, emotions and flexibility; and possible futures adaptation skills.